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Girl Catches Mother With Her Older Fiancé. DNA Test Reveal The Unknown Secret



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She returns from her trip earlier and catches her mother in bed with her fiance, finding out that they had been lovers for 20 years. A DNA test reveals something disturbing. Everything was dark except for a distant light. The constant sound of the heart monitors filled Molina’s ears, bringing her back to consciousness.

The darkness of her eyes slowly gave way to the blinding light of the hospital room, a cold white light that seemed to invade every corner of the sterile environment. She could smell a strong odor of disinfectant and feel the rough sheets against her skin. Her body was heavy and she was unresponsive, as if she were sinking into the hospital bed.

Molina’s mind was clouded, but the rumble of her recent memories began to resurface – the surprise, the devastating betrayal, the blind run down the street, and then nothing. Her mouth was dry, and she craved water. The young woman tried to speak, but the only thing she managed to say was a low moan.

The sounds around her seemed distant, as if she were submerged. She could hear soft voices and the occasional sound of medical equipment. Gradually, Molina managed to open her eyes completely. She could see familiar figures around her – Celine, her mother, was sitting beside her bed, her eyes red and puffy; Elias, her father; her best friend was standing by the door, his pale face contrasting with his dark hair; and finally, there he was – Benjamin – standing in the corner, looking worried.

There was a tension in the air, an atmosphere charged with something Molina was hating to define. She felt confused and scared. She wanted to cry, but there was another emotion mixed in – disgust, a revulsion so intense it made her stomach churn. But why? And what had happened? And most importantly, how had she ended up there in the hospital?

“Honey,” her mother’s voice cut through the silence, making Molina shudder. Her voice was a whisper, a wail filled with pain so deep it made her want to scream. The mother she loved and respected so much now filled her with a nauseating, visceral rejection she didn’t understand. She wanted to ask, she wanted to understand why, but her words didn’t come.

Benjamin took a step forward, but Molina looked away. Just his gaze on her made her feel exposed, vulnerable, and there was something else – a trace of betrayal she couldn’t understand and would never forgive. What had happened? Why was she in the hospital? And why did she feel this inexplicable revulsion for those she loved?

It turns out that a few months before, that girl’s life was very different. Fate introduced her to Benjamin on a rainy afternoon at a cafe in the city that she loved. He was a successful insurance businessman, older and very charming. Benjamin had an air of mystery that captivated young Molina from their first meeting. “Would you like to share the umbrella?” he asked, holding it above her to shield her from the sudden rain. That casual offer of shelter was the start of something much bigger than either of them could have imagined.

The two talked about their lives, careers, and dreams, and the girl found herself drawn to the man’s intelligence and kindness. He, in turn, was enchanted by Molina’s vibrant spirit and insatiable curiosity. The age difference between them was notable – he was 40, and she was only 22 – but that didn’t stop them from developing deep feelings for each other.

Molina was a young artist and pianist; she studied music in college and was fascinated by the world around her. Benjamin was a successful businessman; he had a small insurance brokerage that earned him good profits. Furthermore, the man had a true love for art, whatever it was – music, painting, sculpture – and he saw in that girl a spirit similar to his own.

The next few months were filled with candlelit dinners, romantic walks, and evenings watching the sunset together. Love blossomed between them, and before they knew it, they were planning a future together. “Do you want a grand piano right in the middle of our living room, getting in the way of walking?” he joked. “Only if we have a huge apartment,” the young woman laughed. “Ha ha ha, joked the man. But I will be able to play while you stumble.” The young woman laughed.

Then, inevitably, the expected happened. Benjamin, always romantic, surprised his girlfriend with an unforgettable proposal. It was a candlelit dinner on the top floor of her building. The city glittered below them, but all Molina could see were her lover’s eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

After dinner, the man got up and held out his hand to her. “Molina, you changed my life. You changed my way of thinking, of acting. You made me realize how vibrant life can be with you, and that’s why I want to ask you – if you want to become my companion for life, marry me.” With tears of happiness shining in her eyes, the young woman just shouted yes, hugging her new fiance and giving him a passionate kiss.

Molina loved Benjamin; she was sure of that. She loved his maturity and the confidence he exuded, the way he respected her not only as a woman, but also her convictions and principles, made her feel valued and loved. Benjamin wasn’t religious, but he accepted the principles of the girl who, being deeply religious, had chosen to remain pure until marriage. It only strengthened the love she felt for him, knowing that he respected her choices and principles.

On the other hand, the businessman loved Molina’s youthfulness. He was enchanted by her innocence and energetic spirit, which made him feel younger and refreshed. He admired her passion for life and her determination to make her dreams come true. For Benjamin, his bride’s youthfulness was a breath of fresh air in his routine and predictable life. His love for her only deepened as he learned to appreciate every aspect of her intense and charming personality.

That night, they sealed the commitment of a future together, without suspecting the twist that fate had in store for them. Because everything was too perfect. One day, the young woman went to perform at a concert in another state. She was very happy and excited, but at the same time, a little sad as her beloved could not accompany her.

“I’m sorry, my love, but something came up. Someone I haven’t seen in a long time – an acquaintance with whom I have some business – will be in town, and I need to talk to him, sort out some things.” Molina, however, agreed.

She knew Benjamin’s busy life well; he was older, with many contacts, friends, and work commitments. He had always been a busy person, a dedicated and busy businessman, always in meetings or on business trips. Sometimes he would stay late at work or take too long to answer her messages and calls. When he finally called her back, he always said that he had fallen asleep right after getting home, due to being tired from work.

The pianist, however, never questioned or distrusted his explanations. After all, she loved and trusted him. She believed these were the requirements of a successful career – something she respected and admired in her fiance.

It turns out that a few months before all this, that girl’s life was very different. Fate introduced her to Benjamin on a rainy afternoon at a cafe in the city that she loved. He was a successful insurance businessman, older and very charming. Benjamin had an air of mystery that captivated young Molina from their first meeting.

“Would you like to share the umbrella?” he asked, holding it above her to shield her from the sudden rain. That casual offer of shelter was the start of something much bigger than either of them could have imagined. The two talked about their lives, careers, and dreams, and the girl found herself drawn to the man’s intelligence and kindness. He, in turn, was enchanted by Molina’s vibrant spirit and insatiable curiosity.

The age difference between them was notable – he was 40, and she was only 22. But that didn’t stop them from developing deep feelings for each other. Molina was a young artist and pianist; she studied music in college and was fascinated by the world around her. Benjamin was a successful businessman with a small insurance brokerage, but it earned him good profits. Furthermore, the man had a true love for art, whatever it was – music, painting, sculpture – and he saw in that girl a spirit similar to his own.

The next few months were filled with candlelit dinners, romantic walks, and evenings watching the sunset together. Love blossomed between them, and before they knew it, they were planning a future together. “Do you want a grand piano right in the middle of our living room, getting in the way of walking?” he joked. “Only if we have a huge apartment!” the young woman laughed.

“Ha ha ha,” she laughed. “But I will be able to play while you stumble.” The young woman laughed. Then, inevitably, the expected happened. Benjamin, always romantic, surprised his girlfriend with an unforgettable proposal. It was a candlelit dinner on the top floor of her building; the city glittered below them. But all Molina could see were her lover’s eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

After dinner, the man got up and held out his hand to her. “Molina, you changed my life. You changed my way of thinking, of acting. You made me realize how vibrant life can be with you, and that’s why I want to ask you if you want to become my companion for life, marry me.” With tears of happiness shining in her eyes, the young woman just shouted, “Yes!” Hugging her new fiancé and giving him a passionate kiss.

Molina loved Benjamin; she was sure of that. She loved his maturity and the confidence he exuded. The way he respected her not only as a woman but also her convictions and principles made her feel valued and loved. Benjamin wasn’t religious, but he accepted the principles of the girl who, being deeply religious, had chosen to remain pure until marriage. It only strengthened the love she felt for him, knowing that he respected her choices and principles.

On the other hand, the businessman loved Molina’s youthfulness. He was enchanted by her innocence and energetic spirit, which made him feel younger and refreshed. He admired her passion for life and her determination to make her dreams come true. For Benjamin, his bride’s youthfulness was a breath of fresh air in his routine and predictable life. His love for her only deepened as he learned to appreciate every aspect of her intense and charming personality.

That night, they sealed the commitment of a future together, without suspecting the twist that fate had in store for them. Because everything was too perfect. One day, the young woman went to perform at a concert in another state. She was very happy and excited, but at the same time, a little sad as her beloved could not accompany her.

“I’m sorry, my love, but something came up. Someone I haven’t seen in a long time, an acquaintance with whom I have some business, will be in town. I need to talk to him, sort out some things,” Molina, however, agreed. She knew Benjamin’s busy life well. He was older, with many contacts, friends, and work commitments. He had always been a busy person, a dedicated and busy businessman, always in meetings or on business trips. Sometimes he would stay late at work or take too long to answer her messages and calls. When he finally called her back, he always said that he had fallen asleep right after getting home, tired from work.

The pianist, however, never questioned or distrusted his explanations. After all, she loved and trusted him. She believed these were the requirements of a successful career, something she respected and admired in her fiancé. In fact, despite the sadness of parting with him during their travels, Molina felt a certain pride in Benjamin. She saw him as an example of perseverance and dedication, qualities she highly valued. And deep down, she believed that all these sacrifices were for a better future for both of them.

So, with a goodbye kiss and a forced smile, the girl went to her concert, completely oblivious to the fact that Benjamin’s long nights and mysterious commitments hid a painful and shocking truth – a truth that would soon surface and tear her world to pieces.

A few days later, her performance at the concert ended early, and the young woman decided to surprise her future husband by returning early from her trip. As she had gone to visit a gallery in another city, the girl bought a painting that she knew he would love. The piece was an abstract portrait of a couple dancing in the rain – a reminder of the first time they met. She felt so euphoric as she took a taxi to Benjamin’s apartment. Anxiety bubbled inside her like champagne, and her heart pounded with anticipation of their reunion.

It was a double surprise – the art and her early arrival. Since she had a key to his apartment, her plan was to surprise him by being there when he got tired from work that night. The girl imagined his face when he saw her – the contagious happiness he would display, and the love that would shine in her eyes as she entered the apartment. Excitement overwhelmed her; the big smile didn’t leave her face.

However, there was something different. The place was quiet but not empty, as the young woman expected. There was a soft light from the hallway, indicating that her beloved was home. “So, change of plans,” she thought. She left her suitcase and painting in the living room, her little eyes sparkling with anticipation. She would cover his eyes with her hands and say hi to her lover, just like she saw in movies.

So, with a bright smile on her face, Molina walked towards the bedroom, slowly and silently, expecting to see the surprise on Benjamin’s face. However, down the hall, she began to hear giggles, followed by pauses and barely audible whispers. The sound of laughter floated through the luxurious apartment, intertwining with the girl’s anxious heartbeat, which was now racing.

“No, it’s not possible,” she started to ask. He didn’t, as she got closer, the noise got louder, and yes, it was laughter – light and full of intimacy. A woman laughing, someone who was clearly at ease. An unsettling feeling ran through that young woman’s spine as the soft laugh of that unknown woman persisted. Each step seemed an empty echo in the stillness of the apartment, increasing the discomfort

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